There are lots of belief and ho-hahs going on around the skincare industry. Here are some of the common myths and misconceptions and the correct facts beneath them:
Myth 1: Using more Skin Care Products will guarantee quicker results
Nothing can be more wrong or misconceived than this statement. Skin care products are specially formulated to treat particular skin damages. They cure them and work faster than natural or home treatments. But that is not to suggest that applying too many of them will further fasten the healing process. In fact, using too many skin care products will only work to damage your skin than anything else. The active ingredients with these products can react with one another and pose harmful side effects for your skin.
Skin care products that contain vitamin c, retinol, and alpha-hydroxy acids help to smooth the skin. Likewise, agents like salicylic acids and benzyl peroxide heal acne and blemishes. These ingredients when used in higher concentration tend to be reactive and thus pose as a threat to your skin.
Always apply skin creams and other such products in small quantities and massage it lightly onto the skin.
Myth 2: Everyone needs Skin Toners
Not really! Though it is always advised to follow a skin care regimen and make use of a cleanser, toner and moisturizer, the truth is you can beg to differ. Most people need to use toners and it is a healthy practice too but that doesn’t mean it is an absolute essential for everyone. Toners do the job of closing down open skin pores and ripping them of any internal debris. This process is instantly followed by the moisturizing of the skin. But in some cases, toners can strip off the skin’s natural oils and leave them dry. Therefore, it is not as essential as perceived.
Remember that whatever you put on your skin will have an effect one way or the other so be keen in choosing you skincare products. Personally, i would go for organic skincare products because its safer and kinder to your skin.
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